“I found postpartum recovery period quite brutal. I remember sitting in bed while feeding baby just crying at how much pain I was in - my perineum and my nipples, raw and bruised. This was part of the journey I hadn’t anticipated at all and I had no idea how to heal...”
Kirsty Fernandes

Women all over the world experience a pampered postpartum recovery period, except in the West. Traditionally in many cultures, women rest, nourish, and heal in the tender month following birth. Taking care of yourself in this vulnerable time of transition and healing will have lifelong benefits. Your incredible womb has served you well in growing your baby; support and nourish your healing for a vibrant life through menopause. I’m here to walk with and guide you restoring mind, body and spirit on your journey into motherhood.

Vaginal steams for ultimate postpartum healing. Used in every culture worldwide.

Vaginal Steaming for ultimate postpartum healing. Used in every culture worldwide.

Listen here for the Postpartum Blueprint:

Placenta Capsules, Tincture, Cord Keepsake

Placenta Encapsulation offers a bridge in the first days after birth by bringing in a healthy milk supply, speeding healing time, diminishing pain, and hormones & vitamins lost in the birth process are reintroduced. Encapsulation supports healing in a convenient method of ingestion.

“My experience with placenta encapsulation was very positive. I’m a first time mother and having never experienced childbirth and the postpartum healing that follows, having the placenta encapsulated seemed to be a tremendous help. Once I started taking the capsules, I really could feel the energy and strength they gave me. Especially during the first month after my baby was born they made a huge difference, but even in the months after they continued to energize me. I would want to utilize placenta encapsulation in all of my births in the future.” -Mercy

Vaginal Steaming supports:

-hemorrhoid relief

-heals minor cuts & tears

-shrinks swollen tissues

-tightens the pelvic floor

-reduces infections

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Bengkung Belly Binding can be an important part of recovering from childbirth.

Some benefits:

Repairing the diastasis recti

Pelvic support

Lower back support

Emotional/Spiritual benefits

Benefits of moxibustion after birth: -Replenish Qi helping to improve energy levels -Benefits the immune system -Nourishes Blood helping to prevent and treat postpartum depression -Benefit Iron levels aiding postpartum blood loss. -Boost milk supply…

Benefits of moxibustion after birth:
-Replenish Qi helping to improve energy levels
-Benefits the immune system
-Nourishes Blood helping to prevent and treat postpartum depression
-Benefit Iron levels aiding postpartum blood loss.
-Boost milk supply.
-Treat and prevent prolapse.


Traditional Rebozos

All clients are gifted an authentic Rebozo

Crossing the bridge from maiden to mother is no easy task. Women are often left depleted, isolated and feeling like they are the only ones experiencing rough times after birth. Honoring the mother with Sacred Postpartum Healing therapies nurtures the mind, body, and spirit.

Become a Sacred Postpartum Mother Roaster.

Share your heart in serving women with state-of-the-art healing. Visit us at sacredpostpartum.net for more information about joining the wave of sacred birth traditional healers.

“I have learned how deeply healing it is to just be heard and listened to and to let the tears flow and how this is actually an important physiological function as well. Sometimes, there is no need to “fix” anything. The healing comes from being listened to with compassion snd without judgement....I think it is a great honour to hear the pregnancy and birth journey of a woman and I think it’s a part of our transformation that is totally overlooked, unheard and unhealed and I have real concerns for how this is impacting Mums, their babies and their families everywhere...”
— Kirsty Fernandez