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For Sacred Birth Traditions Private Members only

You have choices in birth! Join us and gather deep knowledge~

Birth is the most powerful experience in life- join us and access your internal knowing

Free Indie Birth Community Childbirth Workshop

NEXT DATE: Sunday February 16th, 2025

1:00-3:00 PM

Prescott, AZ

Join us in this multi-media and experiential learning event. We hope that you will feel fully immersed in what birth looks like and feels like when we respect the process.

You will leave this workshop feeling amazed, excited, inspired, and READY to create your ideal birth!

“Regardless of where, how, or with whom, we want to share with you what we know. Some age-old knowledge, some new, a blending of the sacred and scientific; ALL information focuses on what makes birth a remarkable, safe experience for the mama AND the baby. How can we plan for an “Indie Birth”? The next generation is counting on us to learn all we can, connect all we can, and embark upon our birth and mothering experience with all the wisdom that can be afforded to us.”

You do not have to be pregnant. Those who work with birthing families and anyone interested in birth for their knowledge or to help future generations are welcome!

*Indie Birth is a global community, and this workshop is being taught worldwide!

Nursing babies and interested teens are welcome!

* Short break with snacks

Please RSVP with the number of people! Email

or schedule your appointment here:

or message Valerie: 928.642.4671


Community Birth Circle of Northern Arizona

Join us for our community Birth Circle-

connecting our community with support

in the Wild Woman Sanctuary- Prescott

First Sunday of every month

2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Preparation for Birth, Labyrinth Journey of Labor, Herbs, Postpartum Preparation, Fears, Self-Care, Birth Poetry, Music/Dance Circles

Open, Non-judgemental safe conversations with peers and midwife~

Please RSVP to register: Valerie@928-642-4671

Please join us!

sacred Pregnancy Retreat

Honor your Pregnancy Journey + Find Sisterhood Support

Honor your Pregnancy Journey + Find Sisterhood Support

Honor your pregnancy and the pregnancy of others with this life-transforming event.


* Sacred Space: Explore creating a personal sacred space at home, meditation practice + the benefits of journaling ** Sister Project: you will create a collage candle 

* Connection + Expectations: Explore connection to yourself, the baby and the pregnancy experience + discuss pregnancy expectations ** + heart to heart

* Food + Body Image: Explore cravings, mindful eating, body changes + challenges 

* Fears: Holding space to discuss all fears relating to pregnancy, birth and motherhood ** Sister Project: you will burn your fears + do group EMPOWERMENT silk painting

* Forgiveness: Find the strength to forgive past hurts allow emotional space to open up BEFORE baby comes.  Sister Project: silk rip + release + craft your "power stick"

* Sacred Relationship: Understanding the connection and changes in your intimate relationships **Project: Heart Art

* Rite of Passage: Postpartum **Discussion topics: postpartum healing + Bengkung belly binding 

* Sisterhood “going to the bowl” ….

This retreat encourages deep sharing, exploring ART, expression, LAUGHTER, honoring and CELEBRATION!

Pricing + info:

$177.00 includes all supplies, snacks, and swag

Sacred Pregnancy in epic the Wild Woman Sanctuary in the Prescott National Forest

Snacks, Drinks + Swag Bag of treasures included. Bring a sack lunch to enjoy in the magical surroundings.

Come for a day of soul work, beauty, and connection with baby, partner and self. Ultimate preparation for your Sacred Birth.

Next retreat:

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025


Sacred Postpartum Skills Workshops!

Valerie using TCM Moxibustion to mama’s womb

Join us in the Beauty Way of serving women during the 6 weeks Postpartum Healing WIndow. Learn and practice skills you can use to support your community!  Join us in changing the current paradigm of the lack of postpartum care with these potent practices to support women's health all the way through menopause!

Valerie wrapping a Malay Bengkung Belly binding for diastasis recti and more

I invite you to participate in the upcoming workshops held in the Prescott National Forest:

Sunday, March 30th, 2025:  

Sealing Birth: She Closes 

Morning Session: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm  Cost: $175.

TCM Moxibustion in the Postpartum + Practice for Confidence
Learn Malaysian Bengkung Bellybinding +personal bind included

Afternoon Session: 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Cost: $150.

Learn the Art of Closing the Bones Ceremony
Tea Ceremony + Lore + Healing Birth Storytelling in theBeauty Way

Sunday, April 27th, 2025: 

May You Never Hunger: Nourishing Newborn Mamas

Morning Session  10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Cost: $150.

 Postpartum Healing Foods:  Add simple Ayurvedic meals to your postpartum visits with ease  + community-prepared postpartum dish to be shared at the end of the workshop.

Afternoon Session 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Cost: $150.

Conscious Conjuring: Postpartum Herbs

All about Healing Herbs: Postpartum Teas, Mother's Ease Tincture, Herbal Sitz Bath, Self Love Oil

Sunday, May 18th, 2025:

Morning Session 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.  Cost $150.

Sacred Placenta

Placenta Honoring + Crafting: History and SIgnificance, Benefits in the Postpartum + Preparation at Birth. Art Prints, Cord Keepsakes, Tinctures, Ceremonial Burial.

Afternoon Session: 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Cost: $175.

Womb Healing

Vaginal Steaming Session: History around the world, benefits, herbs for the postpartum healing window, mild and advanced set-up, cloaking, healthy supportive practices. Vital health for life!
Choose and blend your herbs + practice a vaginal steam session.

All workshops include meditation to begin the day, discussion of the importance of heat, healing, and ceremony in the Postpartum.
Introspection + Vow commitment through heart-centered art.

 All supplies, herbs, snacks, and more are provided.

Questions? Reach out to

For Midwives, Doulas, and Birth Workers, + Partners

Save your place here: Sacred Postpartum Skills Workshop

Closing the Bones Ceremony

Bengkung Belly binding

For Sacred Birth Traditions Private Members only